I got a call about a dog people in the community have seen for weeks but were unable to contain. Unsure if he would survive given how cold it was, I quickly jumped into action and called my friend Tara for help. I gathered people in the area and set up a feeding station/schedule & I went everyday to bring food so that I could gain his trust. The next morning I drove to the location and he saw my car as if he was waiting for his next meal ( good news) then he took off running back into the woods.
We climbed the fence, set the trap in the field, and waited until he felt safe enough to pop his little head back out. After a few short hours he went into the trap and I immediately took him to the vet. Thankfully I found the perfect foster and he’s been doing amazing thriving in his new home. Safe out of the woods and having a second chance at life. ( Here is a little TikTok video I created) His name is Rosco!
Save a life, End Animal Cruelty